Adansonia Digitata / African baobab

CHF 236.00
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Adansonia digitata, commonly known as the baobab tree or "African baobab", is a large, iconic tree native to Africa, particularly in savannah and dry areas. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a massive, bulbous trunk that can reach up to 30 meters (98 feet) in height and 10 to 14 meters (33 to 46 feet) in diameter, resembling a bottle or a massive root structure. The trunk is covered with a smooth, grayish-brown bark that can be up to 10 cm (4 inches) thick, providing protection against fire and animal damage.

The baobab tree has a unique, sparse crown made up of large, irregular branches that spread out in a haphazard manner, giving it a distinctively "upside-down" or "root-like" appearance. During the dry season, the baobab tree sheds its leaves to conserve water, and its branches may appear bare. However, during the rainy season, it produces new leaves, and in some cases, it may also produce large, showy flowers that are usually white or cream-colored and emit a pleasant scent. These flowers are followed by large, woody fruit pods that can be up to 30 cm (12 inches) long and are filled with pulp and seeds.

Adansonia digitata is often referred to as the "tree of life" due to its multiple uses for local communities in Africa. The tree provides food, water, shelter, and medicine. Its leaves are used as fodder for livestock, and the fruit pulp and seeds are consumed by humans, providing a good source of vitamin C, calcium, and other nutrients. The bark of the baobab tree can be used for making rope, cloth, and baskets, and the hollow trunks can serve as natural water storage tanks. The tree also has cultural significance and is often used in traditional African medicine for various ailments.

Baobab trees are known for their longevity and can live for several thousand years, making them some of the oldest living trees on Earth. They have a unique and fascinating ecological and cultural significance and are considered iconic symbols of Africa's landscapes and biodiversity.


Adansonia Digitata, also known as "Madagascar Baobab"; one of six Baobab species endemic to Madagascar; collector's plant; potted in a self-mixed, permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 2-3 years; grown from seed; not hardy, between May-October it can be in the garden/on the balcony, not over-fertilised, therefore robust & top healthy (100% organic quality before quantity!); slow-growing, also as a basis for a "bonsai baobab tree" or a "shade donor" in the greenhouse.

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