Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana

CHF 32.00
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Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana from my own cutting propagation (from my organically grown mother plant); the plant has already grown very well, with a strong root system; the second leaf has already unfolded nicely; potted in a permeable self-mixed organic substrate; Repotting not desired until next year (when the 5-6 leaves with the first "leaf cuttings" typical for Monstera fully unfold); with time it will become quite vigorous and high climbing (can be cut back again if desired); not over-fertilised therefore healthy & robust (100% organic quality before quantity! ), no sprays-growth-hormones-gloss-emitters for the leaves; the plant is rather for a half shady location; from spring (May) the plant can also be grown outside in a shady location - this makes the leaves really nice and leathery; 1-2-3x a month showering the leaves (or spraying with water more often) does the plant a lot of good; enjoy your new unique classic green Monstera Deliciosa Borsigiana!

You get the displayed plant.