Uncarina Grandidieri

CHF 174.00
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TOM'S FLOWer CLUB introduces you to the unique Uncarina grandidieri, a captivating botanical specimen. Native to the dry forests of Madagascar, this multi-branched shrub or small tree-like plant has remarkable features. Its bright yellow flowers, reminiscent of large petunias, give way to green fruits studded with sinister spines. The leaves, which resemble cotton plant leaves, feel furry and sticky and give off a musty smell when rubbed. Named after the intrepid explorer Alfred Grandidier, the plant is a testament to its rich history. With its sturdy stems, long-stalked leaves and characteristic fruits studded with small spines, Uncarina grandidieri is a botanical treasure.

The cultivation and care of Uncarina grandidieri is a rewarding experience. It thrives in pseudotropical environments, tolerates neglect and thrives with attention. As a heat-resistant plant, it can cope with intense sun and heat if it receives sufficient water. However, protection from frost is crucial. The growth rate is impressive if properly watered, warmed and rooted. Use a rich, well-drained potting soil and water generously in summer, while keeping it drier in winter. Young plants can be fertilised with diluted fertiliser for faster growth.

For optimal growth, the plant should be placed in partial shade to full sun. In winter it needs warmth, but a minimum average temperature of 10 °C is essential. Uncarina grandidieri has bonsai potential, as its cool, gnarled root system gives it a unique aesthetic. However, watch out for the barbs on the seed pods, which require careful handling. Propagation can be done by seed or cuttings.

Experience the fascination of Uncarina grandidieri in your collection. Enhance your botanical landscape with the bright flowers, distinctive foliage and captivating form of this remarkable plant. Order now and enjoy the wonder of cultivating this exceptional species.

...potted in self-mixed, permeable organic substrate; repotting only desired in 1-2years; grown from seed; not over-fertilised, therefore robust & healthy (100% organic quality before quantity!); can be grown as a bonsai tree; Enjoy your new Uncarina Grandidieri - little tree.

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